
Answers about Management and Supervision

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작성자 Garnet
댓글 0건 조회 8회 작성일 24-07-05 05:42


Analyzing your customers means finding out who and why they are. To understand their wants and motives, it entails analyzing their comments, purchasing patterns
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LGManagement and Supervision

What is an example of an environmental factor or need of an organism?

Asked by Wiki User

An example of an environmental factor for an organism is temperature. Organisms have specific temperature ranges within which they can thrive. If the temperatur
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Payroll Services


What is a natural organization?

Asked by Wiki User

A natural organization refers to a company or group that operates in a self-managing or self-organizing manner, often mimicking principles found in nature. In t
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Human and Animal Interaction


Facilitated diffusion across a biological membrane requires what?

Asked by Wiki User

Facilitated diffusion across a biological membrane requires the presence of specific protein channels or carriers to assist in the movement of molecules from an
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Human and Animal Interaction


How does diffusion help a cell?

Asked by Wiki User

Diffusion allows for the movement of molecules such as nutrients and waste products in and out of the cell. This process helps maintain the cell's internal envi
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Why is it difficult for a company in one strategic group to change to a different strategic group?

Asked by Cnuvasu1918

Changing to a different strategic group can be difficult for a company due to various factors such as established industry norms, different customer expectation
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Computer Programming


What are the objectives of a system?

Asked by Wiki User

The objectives of a system are to efficiently achieve specific goals or tasks, improve productivity, streamline processes, enhance communication and collaborati
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Marketing Advertising and Sales


What is proposed solutions?

Asked by Wiki User

Proposed solutions are potential strategies or actions intended to address a specific issue or problem. These solutions are put forward as recommendations for c
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Business and Industry


What is a project activity?

Asked by Wiki User

A project activity is a specific task or set of tasks that are carried out as part of a project to achieve its objectives. These activities are the building blo
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What are the 5 types of teams on the team autonomy continuum?

Asked by Wiki User

The 5 types of teams on the team autonomy continuum are prescribed teams, restricted teams, consultative teams, delegated teams, and autonomous teams. Each type
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Is Reactive change bad?

Asked by Wiki User

Reactive change is not inherently bad, but it can be less effective than proactive change. Reacting to change often involves putting out fires or addressing pro
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What kind of feedback control does the transparency show?

Asked by Wiki User

The transparency provides feedback through visual cues and real-time updates on progress or actions taken. It allows users to see changes and results, promoting
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What is the difference between positive feedback and negative feedback?

Asked by Wiki User

Positive feedback enhances or amplifies a process or response, leading to an increase in the initial stimulus, while negative feedback regulates or dampens a pr
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Human Papillomavirus (HPV)


What is the difference between positive feedback control system negative feedback control system?

Asked by Wiki User

In a positive feedback control system, the output enhances or amplifies the input, leading to an increase in the original signal. In contrast, a negative feedba
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Global Warming


What are examples of unstructured problems?

Asked by Wiki User

Examples of unstructured problems include designing a marketing campaign to increase brand awareness, exploring ways to improve customer satisfaction, and devel
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Is baked clay durable?

Asked by Wiki User

Yes, baked clay, also known as terracotta, is durable and หวยฮานอย long-lasting. Once it's fired in a kiln, it becomes hard and sturdy, making it suitable for various us
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Importing and Exporting


What factors hinder exportation in Kenya?

Asked by Wiki User

Factors that hinder exportation in Kenya include inadequate infrastructure, high transportation costs, bureaucratic red tape, lack of access to finance, limited
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Business Plans


Factors affecting the moral climate in business?

Asked by Wiki User

Factors affecting the moral climate in business include ethical leadership, organizational culture, employee values, and external pressures such as competition
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What is the meaning of communicating skills?

Asked by Marjunne

Communication skills refer to the ability to convey information effectively through verbal, non-verbal, and written means. This includes listening, speaking, ob
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The theory of etzioni definition of organization?

Asked by Wiki User

The theory of Amitai Etzioni defines organizations as social units with a defined boundary that are created and maintained to achieve specific goals. It emphasi
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Sales and Customer Service


How do you deal with excess stock?

Asked by Wiki User

One approach is to offer promotions to move excess stock, such as discounts or bundle deals. Additionally, you could consider donating the excess stock to chari
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Business & Finance


What caused many firms to abandon the EOQ model for JIT?

Asked by Wiki User

Many firms abandoned the EOQ (Economic Order Quantity) model for Just-in-Time (JIT) due to the need for more flexibility and responsiveness in their production
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What is a functional group?

Asked by Wiki User

On the Formulas tab you have the Function Library group, which consists of the various categories of functions that Excel provides. You can click on one of thes
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Describe the control component in an Ames Test?

Asked by Wiki User

The control component in an Ames Test typically includes a negative control (no chemical exposure) to ensure background levels of spontaneous mutations, and a p
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What evidence is there to support the theory that a 'manager leads best when his people get behind him'?

Asked by Wiki User

Evidence supporting the theory that a manager leads best when his people support him includes higher employee engagement, motivation, and productivity. When emp
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