
Billiards Vs Pool Vs Snooker: Understand the 4 Key Differences

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작성자 Mitch
댓글 0건 조회 3회 작성일 24-09-24 01:11


Several times the photographer of the expedition brought out his transparent pictures and gave us a handsome magic lantern exhibition. His views were nearly all of foreign scenes, but there were one or two home pictures among them. There are said to be two at Simla, not counting the woman who blows the bellows at Syree dâk-bungalow on the Old Road; Mussoorie has a house haunted of a very lively Thing; a White Lady is supposed to do night-watchman round a house in Lahore; Dalhousie says that one of her houses "repeats" on autumn evenings all the incidents of a horrible horse-and-precipice accident; Murree has a merry ghost, and now that she has been swept by cholera, will have room for some sorrowful ones; there are Officers' Quarters in Mian Mir whose doors open without reason, and whose furniture is guaranteed to creak, not with the heat of June but with the weight of Invisibles who come to lounge in the chairs; Peshawar possesses houses that none will willingly rent; and there is something-not fever-wrong with a big bungalow in Allahabad. The very improbability of billiards in a dâk-bungalow proved the reality of the thing. What Is English Billiards? All English billiards games are played with only three balls.

One great value of games is that they are the finest discipline for the temper. And I have seen lawns where only the masters and not the undergraduates may walk, and staircases where only the graduates and not the students may play billiards; I have seen professors in rabbits’ fur and cloaks as red as lobsters, I have seen the graduates kneel and kiss the hand of the Vice-Chancellor; of all these wonders I have been able to make a drawing only of one venerable college provost, who poured out for me a glass of sherry at least as old as the elder Pitt. I tell you, Caudle, a billiard-room's a place where ruin of all sorts is made easy, I may say, to the lowest understanding, so you can't miss it. It is trying perhaps to find oneself beaten by youths, who a few years before used to touch their caps to you, and you presented with a third; but it is odd that everybody does not realise that this development is inevitable, and should therefore have come naturally and not as a violent surprise. One might put up a little hurdle-nothing obtrusive-only a matter of a few inches high.

Once one player reaches the predetermined score, they win the game. Even when I shut my enlightened eyes the sound was marvellously like that of a fast game. There was a carpet down from the kerb to the head of the lodging-house steps, "like r'yalty," as the cook expressed it, and the green-grocer's man in the hall looked so pompous and inflated in his gorgeous attire that his own cabbages would hardly have recognized him. There were those who said openly that it was taking chances enough to have such ghastly music going on, even when it was at its best; and that to exaggerate the crime by letting George help, was simply flying in the face of Providence. There was no insult in his choice of the term. "There they are, down there every night at eight bells, praying for fair winds-when they know as well as I do that this is the only ship going east this time of the year, but there’s a thousand coming west-what’s a fair wind for us is a head wind to them-the Almighty’s blowing a fair wind for a thousand vessels, and this tribe wants him to turn it clear around so as to accommodate one,-and she a steamship at that!

A total of fifteen red balls, as well as one each of yellow, brown, blue, pink, black, and green, were used. Very often one made calculations for a heel to the right and the ship did not go that way. We had to allow for the reeling of the ship to the right or the left. A man with a sensitive hide has no right to sleep in dâk-bungalows. Not long ago it was my business to live in dâk-bungalows. I lived in dâk-bungalows where the last entry in the visitors'-book was fifteen months old and where they slashed off the curry-kid's head with a sword. No other sound is like it. Such cases, however, are painfully common, and like Jorrocks, we can only implore ingenuous youth to try and avoid these pitfalls, and realise while still young and in the heyday of his success, that the inevitable hour must come sooner or later, and make it a duty to meet it with philosophic calm. Why not aim at the opposite extreme and try a ball "reinforced" with concrete?

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