
Ladderball and Lawn Darts?

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작성자 Rosemary
댓글 0건 조회 16회 작성일 24-08-23 11:23


Other names for the torque tool are turning tool, torque wrench, torsion wrench, and tension wrench. Picking tools are designed to perform one of two basic functions: manipulating pins and turning the plug. The rest is just technique -- locating and recognizing the state of each pin stack, manipulating the pins, applying torque to the plug. The basic skills of pin tumbler lock picking include selecting the proper tools, manipulating pins through the keyway, applying torque, and recognizing the state of each pin. The modern pin tumbler lock is quite simple, dating back to ancient Egypt but not commercially mass-produced until the middle of the 19th century. Few burglars can afford to risk exposure during the time required to pick even relatively easy locks, and unexplained possession of lock picking tools is often considered prima facia evidence of criminal intent. The book is an encyclopedic guide to mechanical locks, how to evaluate them, and how to defeat them, aimed primarily at investigators, law enforcement and intelligence operatives.

Surreptitious entry (e.g., what is billiards for espionage or law enforcement surveillance) is likewise often best accomplished by obtaining a key or through the use of specialized decoding or bypass tools designed to quickly and quietly defeat the locks used by the target. From the attacker's perspective, too, lock picking is rarely the most efficient, most economical, fastest, or easiest method of entry. Criminals generally prefer either procuring a key or forced entry for speed, certainty, and stealth, notwithstanding whatever property damage or evidence is left behind. See Figure 1. (In practice, the cuts are produced by stacking pin segments of particular lengths, not by actually cutting the pins; hence the term "pin stack.") With no key in the lock, all the pin stack cuts rest within the plug. Right: With all of the cuts at the shear line, the plug can rotate freely within the shell. Right: Side view, with part of the shell and plug cut away to expose the six pin stacks. Figure 2. Pin tumbler lock with a correct key inserted. A gimbal lock occurs when two axes in a three-gimbal system align. But for the Apollo missions, NASA decided to go with a three-gimbal system. NASA Glenn Research Center.

The top pin of that pin stack will be trapped above the shear line, the bottom pin will fall freely, and now a new pin stack (the next most misaligned one) prevents further rotation. In particular note that because the pins are slightly out of alignment, as the plug is turned gently, only the pin stack that is most out of alignment actually prevents further rotation. Pin tumbler lock picking consists of raising the cuts on each pin stack to the shear line, one by one, until the plug turns freely. Note the border between the plug and shell, which forms the shear line, and the cuts in each pin stack resting within the plug. Left: The correct key lifts the pin stacks to align the cuts at the shear line. Left: Cylinder face, the lock's "user interface." Note the keyway, which is cut into the plug, which in turn sits inside the shell.

Note that while many locks pick predominantly back to front or front to back, there are exceptions, and you may find that the binding pin stack "jumps around" from the back to the front to the middle and so on. Figure 1. A pin tumbler lock cylinder. Two tools -- one for each function -- are used simultaneously when picking a lock. Picking depends on weaknesses in the implementation of locks -- small manufacturing imperfections -- rather than fundamental, abstract design flaws that would be present no matter how carefully made the locks might be. However, because the precision with which locks can be manufactured is limited by physical processes, materials, economics, and usability considerations, exploitable weaknesses almost always exist in practice. Typical commercial and residential locks have five or six pin stacks (although four and seven aren't unheard of), with from four to ten distinct cut depths used on each.


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