
Bawaslu Kota Malang held the first hearing for the dispute resolution …

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작성자 Latosha
댓글 0건 조회 6회 작성일 24-08-21 14:46


Budiman, a political observer from Mulawarman University (Unmul), stated that candidates running in the East Kalimantan Regional Election must be transparent. "Prospective regents in the East Kalimantan Regional Election must be transparent and free from money politics," he remarked.

Anies only smiled slightly when he heard about the claims of Jokowi's intervention. He did not want to give further comments on the matter. "All processes are still continuing, just let it be," Baswedan said when interviewed after participating in a gathering with the DKI Jakarta Pancasila Youth MPW in Pejaten, South Jakarta, on Wednesday. Furthermore, Baswedan stated that he currently prioritizes issues related to the welfare of Jakarta residents over other matters. "For us, the chief matter is the prosperity of Jakarta residents. It's not about who will be the deputy, that's not the point, and the process is still long, just go with the flow," Anies Baswedan said. Earlier, the Chairman of the Central Board of PDI Perjuangan, Djarot Saiful Hidayat, assessed that there were signs that President Widodo would intervene again in the 2024 local elections. In response to Widodo's plan to Continue Social Assistance Distribution Ahead of Pilkada This was in response to President Jokowi's intention to extend handing out welfare assistance in the form of rice until December 2024. "We not only detect meddling but witness it plainly and openly, in Javanese it's clear as day," said Djarot Saiful Hidayat at the PDI-P Central Executive Office, Diponegoro Street, Jakarta, on Thursday (16/5/2024). "Meaning, the intervention is very clear, very visible. It's very apparent," he went on. Hidayat highlighted that the continued distribution of social assistance until December constitutes an misuse of authority. PDIP Requests KPU and Bawaslu to Intervene Therefore, PDI Perjuangan asked the Electoral Commission and the Election Supervisory Body (Bawaslu) to look into these signs. Hidayat wishes that the abuse of authority by President Jokowi, which occurred during the 2024 Presidential race, will not be replicated in the 2024 Pilkada. "We really demand the election organizers, to carefully oversee. Including the media and the youth. Especially since the aid will be extended until December," he emphasized.

012646000_1713858708-Infografis_SQ_Ragam_Tanggapan_Anies-Muhaimin_dan_Ganjar-Mahfud_Usai_Putusan_MK.jpgKaka Suminta emphasized that to prevent any allegations of lobbying by prospective regent and deputy regent pairs regarding administrative verification, the central KPU must step in. "There must be oversight from the central KPU," said Kaka. He added that to avert any clandestine attempts at committing fraud during administrative verification, the central KPU should enforce strict oversight. "If pairs do not pass administrative verification, they should not be given any leeway that could damage democracy," he said.

nHowever, Doli still allowed KPU to prepare the Sirekap design for the 2024 Regional Elections . But whether it will be used or not, Commission II will provide its views . Given the commotion caused during the 2024 General Elections due to Sirekap

055858000_1597223848-e3b200cc-3637-4978-9fae-34b49303861d.JPG"This hearing focuses on the KPU's decision declaring that the independent candidates did not meet the minimum support requirements," said Arifudin. The adjudication process at Bawaslu Malang City lasts a maximum of 12 working days from the start of the closed deliberation, and it is now on the fourth day. If on schedule, the decision will be read on 3 July.

KPU RI Chairman Hasyim Asy’ari said that the Information Recapitulation System (Sirekap), claimed to be a vote counting tool during the 2024 Election, will be used again for the 2024 Regional Elections. Since the election and regional election models differ, a new design is being developed. "Sirekap is planned to be used for the 2024 Regional Elections because initially, Sirekap was first used in the 2020 Regional Elections. The design and so on are being prepared," said Hasyim at the DPR RI, quoted on Thursday (16/5/2024).

According to Doli, from the beginning, Sirekap has been a concern for Commission II DPR RI. It was even initially not recommended for use in the 2024 Election. "In the early stages of discussing the Election, friends recommended not using Sirekap, but suddenly Sirekap appeared from the KPU. So let’s discuss it later and not say it will be used now," Doli explained.

According to him, transparency is one of the principles of election or regional election implementation. Therefore, the KPU must design to actualize this principle. "Previously, Sirekap was designed to publish the photo of the C Result form. So, we have an obligation to publish the vote results starting from the polling station level," he explained.

"So, if PKS friends mention the offer to be Mr. Ridwan Kamil's deputy governor, it might be from individual senior political party members of the Advanced Indonesia Coalition. It has not yet become an official offer," said Habiburokhman to reporters, Wednesday (June 19, 2024) .

Deputy Chairman of the Gerindra Party, Habiburokhman, stated that no political party has made a definite decision on who will be supported in the Jakarta Regional Election (Pilkada) . This includes Anies Baswedan, who has not been definitively nominated as a candidate for governor.

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